Our services have helped businesses to run more efficiently, realize ideas that were abstract, and create concrete systems to increase profitability. We help clients to create strategies using advanced statistical modeling techniques that can give your enterprise the edge it needs to know your customers and suppliers, to target new markets, or to understand your costs and alternatives.
Our knowledge of advanced methods of statistical analysis, combined with specific expertise in applying these tools in a business setting, enables us to offer unsurpassed assistance in designing theoretical models and empirical analysis tools that can answer any number of questions about the nature of your business. Most importantly, we can handle any statistical/quantitative problem facing your business, no matter how complex.
The use of any statistical method is valid only when the system or population under consideration satisfies the basic mathematical assumptions of the method. Misuse of statistics can produce subtle but serious errors in description and interpretation — subtle in the sense that even experienced professionals sometimes make such errors, serious in the sense that they may affect, for instance, social policy, medical practice and the reliability of structures such as bridges. Even when statistics is correctly applied, the results can be difficult for the non-expert to interpret. For example, the statistical significance of a trend in the data, which measures the extent to which the trend could be caused by random variation in the sample, may not agree with one's intuitive sense of its significance.
Our philosophy is to build long-term relationships by delivering quality work on schedule, for a reasonable price, and in language that you can understand.